Viaggiare Lentamente – Slow Travel

Travelling slow can be very enriching experience.. that allows the luxury of a low budget, and give you choices that money can’t buy.

When you have the courage to travel with and thanks to the kindness of strangers, local people that do not advertise themselves to offer a paying service, you find yourself much more connected to the people and places that you are visiting. when you are a tourist, a paying holidaymaker, locals will leave you alone while you will most likely meet those that see you as a source of income. I m not saying that people that live of tourism are bad. but even when they give you the best holiday for your money, the experience is just not the same.

I can say that there are a lot of strangers that were in facts Friends that I had not yet met! I feel richer for having met and connected with these kind people. they have shown me the reality of their lives and community and shared what was important for them.

I would not have met them if I had not had the courage to Trust – People, providence, the universe.. call it what you want – and start my journey without a pre-booked ticket.

I know the first time is a bit bit daunting – on both sides, guests and hosts – but I highly recommend this experience!


car sharing

There are a number of sites that offer a platform for arranging shared journeys, at a fraction of the cost & with the added good company of people travelling in the same direction as you! the sites offer protection of verified identities and contact number, as well as a digital trace of your messages & journeys..

I use BlaBla car ( bla bla, because one of the option let you indicate how chatty a person you are..)


Meeting interesting & heart warming people that offer hospitality in exchange just of your warmth, stories, experiences & company…

Couch Surfing

their philosophy: ‘We envision a world made better by travel and travel made richer by connection. Couchsurfers share their lives with the people they encounter, fostering cultural exchange and mutual respect.’

I had a great experience finding places to stay with Couch Surfing, and not just a sofa, but a confy beds too!

I met beautifully warm and interesting people, that not only fed me & gave me a place to stay, but had lots of ideas to share, proudly enjoyed showing me the place where they live and helped me get where I wanted to go…

A big Thank You to all Couch Surfers hosts!

When you have the luxury of time, an able body & a desire to get more involved with the life and communities your are visiting, you can organise stays through the WWoof network. You ll become part of a big family.

WWOOF organisations connect people who want to live and learn on organic farms and smallholdings with people who are looking for volunteer help.

TRAVEL BY FOOT, … with or without the DONKEYs

Vie di pellegrinaggio:

Two of the best travelled and signposted network of routes crisscrossing Europe are the ‘via Francigena’ – leading to Rome –

and the

‘Via dell’Angelo / Michaelica’ from St Michael mounts to Gerusalem

Ciucciovie‘ is a project to keep alive and open the old roads and lifestyles of Transumanza in the Cilento area, travellilng at Donkey speed..

i percorsi in compagnia degli asini sono percorsi dell’animo e della condivisione di valori semplici e di amicizia tra le genti e le terre attraversate. – See more at:

mappa delle ciucciovie della ciucciopolitana, Cilento interiore

Ciucciopolitana – vie del Cilento interiore

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