Norma, Lazio, Italy – Jan 14

collage of paragliding photos Norma

Norma Take off

Panoramic view of Ancient Norba, Norma take off

The hills of Norma, seen from LZ

looking up at the ridge from the landing zone on the planes of Latina

Great Turn out for the first flying Day of the year , La Befana

Great Turn out for the first flying Day of the year , La Befana

Fly high above the ancient town of Norma , Lazio, Italy

Fly high above the really old town of Norma, the archaeological site of ancient Norma the mythological Nymph’s Gardens..

Norma Header Collage

The panoramic road up to Norma

The panoramic road up to Norma

Light winds, warm January sunshine, little strong thermal bubbles..

check out the web cam on take off

Norma paragliding take off site, check out the web cam on take off

The town on the ridgeimage (2)The Archaeological site of Norma

Sunset Landing, looking up at the take off

Sunset landing on the plain below the ancient town of Norma


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